
  • "Love All, Serve All"

Sai School Alumni/Careers Day 5th July 2014

This is an Article written by a year 9 Student who was instrumental in organising the Alumni/Careers Day.

Alumni/Careers Day

The GCSE class, including myself, were asked to organise an alumni/careers day event that was held on the 5th July 2014. As a result, all of us set about preparing for it through various means, as each of us were allocated with a particular responsibility, such as administrative work and viral marketing.

The day ran smoothly, as a whole, with ex students, teachers and parents freely interacting with each other, reminiscing the old times whilst a clip containing photos and videos was continuously playing in the background, reminding everyone present of Sai School’s historic achievements and highlights. Alongside this, an array of career advisors from across the spectrum of the World of Work were invited to give advice based on their own personal experiences to the older students over their future education and prospective job roles. Overall, a lot was gained from the event, as not only did we receive invaluable advice, but we also cultivated a wide range of skills.

Finally, I, on behalf of the GCSE class, would like to thank everyone who came and supported this event including the PSG who provided the refreshments, as without you, it would not have been possible for this day to have been a success.

By Sainka Shah

You can download this article from Alumni and Careers Day Article