
  • "Love All, Serve All"

Shri Narendra Modi’s visit to UK – Sai School Children Perform At Wembley Stadium

Shri Narendra Modi and David Cameron speak to Sai School Children

Sai School of Harrow – Backstage/rehearsal at Wembley Stadium – preparing to sing the British and Indian National Anthems on Stage in conjunction with Swaminarayan School and Avanti House.

Sai School Children getting ready to set of the pyrotechnics at Wembley Stadium

Sai School children getting ready to set off the largest fireworks display at Wembley Stadium with Shri Narendra Modi

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Children sing the British National Anthem, accompanied by Patricia Rozario and backed the London Philharmonic Orchestra

Children sing the Indian National Anthem, accompanied by Kanika Kapoor and backed the London Philharmonic Orchestra